Steven Schmitt was born with congenital talipes equinovarus, where both feet are turned inwards. This had a profound effect on his life, not only in how he physically moved through the world, but also how he perceived the world. As a child, Steven had physical limitations that impacted the relationships he formed and the interests he was and wasn’t able to pursue. These were painful times, physically and emotionally. But they would lead him, ultimately, to discovering his life’s true purpose. Steven was initially treated at the non-profit Shriners Hospital for Children in Philadelphia. Their mission is to provide specialty care for children, regardless of the family’s ability to pay. The Shriner’s Hospital was Steven’s first realization that organizations with a higher purpose exist. The simple offer of compassion and care, without any expectation in return, was an awakening for him. Here was a whole community of people who just wanted to help. Steven felt more accepted, more connected and was inspired to carry this generosity forward.
While studying meteorology at Penn State, Steven started day-trading. His passion for analysis and a new-found interest in the markets, led him to transition to a degree in finance. He even found a first job that combined finance and weather by working as an energy analyst with Virginia Power. Shortly after, he joined Merrill Lynch, and began working with retail clients. One day he happened to read an article about the lack of financial planning for the LGBTQ community. He knew this was his chance to support a population that really needed it. This would serve as the seed for the Schmitt-Young Group (SYG) which would go on to be a world leader in financial management specifically catered to the LGBTQ community as well as become social justice leaders and philanthropists. Throughout his career, Steven has amassed an impressive list of educational credentials. He holds the CFP® and CRPS® designations and was instrumental in the creation of the ADPA® program. After earning his B.S. degree in Finance at Penn State, Steven obtained his M.B.A. from William Paterson University. Steven’s enduring interest and passion for meteorology provides a distinct perspective on environmental conditions that he often incorporates into his investment strategies.
Steven’s husband, Paul Bellaff, shares his partner’s passion for social justice. The maternal side of Paul’s family lived in Poland where they owned a successful cloth factory in Lodz. They had a comfortable home and went to private school. During World War II, the family was rounded up and shipped to various concentration camps, including Auschwitz and Buchenwald. A great majority were murdered. For the ones who survived, returning to Lodz wasn’t an option. They had lost everything, and nearly everyone, and needed fresh starts. The survivors scattered across the globe. His forbearers’ story of incredible suffering left an indelible mark on Paul. It made him sensitive to the importance of community and deeply appreciative of those communities that welcome refugees with open arms, like the United States had welcomed his family after World War 2. Being both gay and Jewish meant Paul straddled two often-marginalized groups. He found comfort in providing support to others, particularly the Gay Men’s Health Crisis, a non-profit volunteer-based AIDS service organization in New York City. One of his fondest memories is sponsoring a successful dance-a-thon. Paul raised over $10,000, which was a significant feat at the time, and danced for over six hours. He continues to support various charities and organizations to promote equality and justice across America. It is with Beth Chayim Chadashim that Paul has found a community that openly and joyously celebrates all sides of himself. It is a community that brings together people from disparate backgrounds and welcomes a multitude of life experiences. And it is a community who understands his and Steven’s personal truths, that one’s physical and emotional scars can translate into a deeper, spiritual understanding of the world.